
False Advertisement at Publix - BOGO Sales

This has been a hot topic around "the water cooler" (different groups and websites), concerning Publix Grocery stores. I just got off the phone with a few district managers, all trying to explain the same thing. Here's the last conversation -

P - Publix
N - Nay

P - "Hi! Is this Mrs. Jacobs?"
N - "Why yes it is."
P - "Mrs. Jacobs, My name is Sandra. I'm with the Atlanta District for Publix Supermarkets. How are you today?"
N - "I'm Just fine, and how are you?"
P - "I'm fine. I understand you contacted our corporate office with a question about coupons."
N - "Yes. I have been told by a few friends that Publix is falsely advertising buy one get one free sales. When they go to publix and use a buy one get one free coupon, they are still made to pay for one item. Sounds fishy to me. Deceptive even. Maybe you can explain your company's concept."
P - " Well Mrs. Jacobs, Lets say you want to buy a can of green beans and it's on sale buy one get one free for $3.00. We split the cost and each can is $1.50 each instead of one can being $3.00 and the 2nd can being free. That way you can just buy one can and not have to buy two. Do you understand?"
N - "Yes, I understand what you are saying but wouldn't that be a half off sale and not a Buy One Get One Free?"
P - "That's just how we do our Buy One Get One Free sales."
N - "OK, So lets say I go into your store and use a Buy One Get One Free Coupon on a Buy One Get One Free Sale, Why am I still required to Pay $1.50 when Publix is getting reimbursed $3.00 on that coupon plus 8 cents? Sounds like Publix is deceiving their customers with false advertisements and shady practices, Do YOU understand?"
P - "Yes but Well ... Uh ... Ma'am, I'm going to Have My Boss at the corporate office in Florida, Call you back on Monday."
N - "I'll be waiting for That call before I take this matter further. Thanks for your time Sandra."

The conversation ended.

You buy the fabled cans of green beans for $3 BOGO
and use a BOGO coupon, should (and does at Kroger) make BOTH Cans Free.
Because the store is getting reimbursed $3.00 from the manufacturer (plus 8 cents)
But PUBLIX is going to charge you $1.50 more????!!!
So they just made $4.50 on their own sale!!!

Its time Publix' deceptive practices end concerning using BOGO coupons on Bogo sales.
And I'm just the loud mouth for the job.
I WILL take this matter further and bust out publix for robbing their own customers.
In Today's economy, the last thing we need is a Grocery chain taking advantage of the people who shop in their stores.
Right is Right and Wrong is WRONG!

Save those receipts people!
I smell a class action lawsuit.


  1. You go girl...tell them like it is!!! I didn't know that the stores (Publix) gets re-imbursed the full price of the item...learning something new everyday. Keep us updated after speaking to the corp mgr.

  2. I disagree with this post. I have shopped at Publix every week and usually get pretty good deals on BOGOs (especially when I use competitor's coupons). If an item is on sale BOGO and I have a BOGO coupon, I buy 3 of the same item and get 2 for free. It defies logic that you can get both items for free when the ad and the coupon clearly state that you have to buy at least one item. Come on - a deal is a deal, but sometimes people take it a bit too far.

  3. and some people are just too lame to get the same deals you can get at other stores by combining BOGO coupons on BOGO sales to get both items free. Kinda like you 2nd replier. The manufacturer reimburses Publix full price. Publix is committing fraud by making you pay for one item. GO NAY GO!!!! I bet your name starts with a "M" and you're in the same group with me and Nay. Its sad you just lay back and take it, but your negativity shines in both places.

  4. I understand you wanting to get a "Deal", but in the end, they can just go ahead and stop offering this type of offer to people and then everyone suffers because you wanted freebies and wanted to stick it to the man.

    This is a tough economy and the way to save all industry is to spend money, not take it from the company and manufacturer.

  5. Nay is right. Other stores do it because they are getting the full reimbursement from the coupon, so how is that "stick it to the man"? The coupons are offered and many websites, that have been profiled on tv and on the web for frugal shoppers, talk about getting both items free that way. Publix's method is a way of forcing shoppers to pay cash to extra reimburse them for the process over and above the extra 8cents reimbursement they already receive for each coupon. It is no different than when they receive $3.00 off for a coupon when the person purchased it on sale for $1.80 and only had the 1.80 taken off the receipt. I even had a manager say it was absurd for cashiers to do this because when they submit the coupon, the manufacturer provides them with the full value of the coupon regardless. GO NAY! Keeo SavingBucks in teh loop because we are grateful you are taking what little time you have to make it happen! Colleen
